Adobe Illustrator, Indesign, Flash, Dreamweaver. HTML, CSS, Javascript, swfObject, XML.
Crumbs Cafe (previously Kirsty's) was rebranded as of 22nd March 2010.
The Website was built and animated in Flash, allowing me to create smoother page transitions and navigation.
Javascript was used to switch from the front end Flash site, to a backup HTML site that was created using Css to cater for machines that don't have Flash Player installed. (this can be viewed by switching your "enable Javascript" option to "disable" in Internet Settings in Internet Explorer). This together with submitting XML and HTML Sitemaps enhanced Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) , making the site more user friendly.
A link to the Flash Player Download is also included.
The site was also tested for cross browser compatibility, on major web browsers including IE 5.5, IE6, IE8, (Internet Explorer) Safari, Opera, Firefox and Google Chrome.