Saturday, 20 November 2010

Dust Design Website

Software: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Bridge, Flash, Indesign, Dreamweaver, Audition, HTML, XML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, Actionscript.

My new portfolio website. Please click on the title to view my web design, animations, illustrations, photography and graphic design, thank you.

Initial design done using Illustrator and Photoshop and then imported into Dreamweaver. As with all my websites, the HTML and CSS are coded from scratch, no templates are used. Javascript was then added to make each page scroll smoothly to each section of the site.

The site also includes a PHP controlled contact form, with Javascript validation to cut out spammers.

Cross browser compatibility checks were done to render in all major browsers including IE 6 to IE 9 (Internet Explorer), Safari, Firefox and Google Chrome, and is fully W3C standards compliant.

A sitemap was created in XML format and submitted to Google, Bing,. Ask and Yahoo for search engine optimisation.

Kleen It All Website

Software: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, Audition.
This Website was created for a local cleaning company. Kleen It All's main requirements were the website had to be original, eye-catching and memorable to the user.
The main site is completely animated using Flash together with a swfObject controlled HTML/CSS backup site for visitors who do not have Flash or Javascript enabled. A PHP controlled contact form was also used complete with form validation.
The main character in the animation is a caricature of Kleen It All's CEO Steven West.
Please click on the title above to view the Website